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PPGCM presentation

The Graduate Program in Medical Sciences (PPGCM) of Univates, composed of the program of studies “Medical Clinic, Health Technologies and Behavioral Sciences”, aims to address several segments of human health research, focusing on diseases of epidemiological and economic importance for the southern region of Brazil.

The program of studies “Medical Clinic, Health Technologies and Behavioral Sciences” involves the areas of epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, including behavioral disorders. It also aims to develop research projects aimed at the development of new technologies in the health area, in order to improve and / or develop tools to aid in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of neglected, infectious or chronic diseases. Research linked to this program of studies will allow the approximation of three fundamental axes for medical-scientific advancement in the context of translational medicine: 1) molecular and cellular research; 2) bioinformatics; and 3) clinical practice.

General objective

The Graduate Program in Medical Sciences (PPGCM) at Univates aims to train qualified human resources, capable of generating and disseminating scientific and technological knowledge aimed at medical and biomedical sciences, with an integrated view from the translational perspective of health-disease conditions.

Specific objectives

- To promote the specialization and continuing education of higher education graduates able to deal with the theme of medical and biomedical sciences, focused on the areas of medical clinic, health technologies and behavioral sciences;

- To train professionals able to apply theoretical and practical knowledge in various areas of medical sciences and encourage innovation and technological development in health in the Taquari Valley, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul and in Brazil, both in the private sphere and in the National Health Service;

- To train human resources in the field of medical sciences, under a multi and interdisciplinary perspective, with a translational focus, to work in teaching and research institutions and in public and private organizations, promoting integration between these sectors through research and extension actions;

- To create and improve technologies and health processes in the current socioeconomic context, with a focus on creating tools to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, with a view to improving the quality of life of the population, which can be integrated into the National Health Service;

- To implement, in conjunction with local organizations, health actions generated from the developed projects, promoting innovations that add improvements to the population's health indexes, in line with public development policies.

Graduate profile

The professionals trained in the PPGCM of Univates will be able to work in the scope of medical and biomedical sciences in the areas of research, teaching and extension, with critical, innovative and integrated understanding, from the translational perspective of health-disease conditions, considering the ethical, socioeconomic and environmental aspects at the local, regional, national and international levels. Professionals must be able to generate and disseminate scientific and technological knowledge aimed at the health area, with multi and interdisciplinary understanding, and have an ethical and professional sense.

Graduates in the "Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects of Diseases" program of studies will be professionals qualified to characterize the pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects and address the epidemiological aspects of different diseases that affect humans. They must be able to develop tools for application in the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases, being professionals trained to carry out and analyze databases resulting from clinical trials. Graduates in the “Health Technology as a Tool for Medical Clinic” program of studies will be professionals with a basic and applied knowledge of health technologies, focused on the development of products and processes, focused on innovation in the health technology sector. Their training will be committed to efficiency, quality and productivity, in compliance with the precepts of the human right to adequate health.

Graduates in the “Behavioral Sciences” program of studies will be professionals with mastery of basic and applied knowledge in the various sciences that involve the study of human behavior. Their training presupposes the skills of handling behavioral models of animal and human experiments, having the ability to manage by the wall bench and producing, understanding, applying and analyzing data produced from scales that evaluate human behavior. They will also be professionals trained to conduct and analyze databases resulting from clinical trials.

PPGCM bylaws


Dr. Luis Fernando Saraiva Macedo Timmers

E-mail: luis.timmers@univates.br


  • - André Anjos da Silva
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Daiane Heidrich
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Verônica Contini
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Joana Bücker
    (1st Alternate Faculty Representative)
  • - Guilherme Liberato da Silva
    (2nd Alternate Faculty Representative)
  • - Fernanda Majolo
    (3rd Alternate Faculty Representative)
  • - Tatiana Jung
    (Student Representative)
  • - Diego de Conto
    (1st Alternate Student Representative)
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