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Among the internationalization actions promoted by Univates are the short courses (from five to 30 days). Designed to reach specific audiences, they have a reduced workload and enable foreign students to have international experience on our campus.

There are several areas in which short-term courses can be developed: Management, Human and Social Sciences, Health, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Technologies and Exact Sciences. Univates partner institutions that are interested may request a customized course proposal to the International Relations Office - ERI.

In addition, Univates offers these courses to those who do or do not have a link with a partner institution, but who have an interest in studying at our university.


Dúvidas? Podemos ajudar

Preencha os dados que entraremos em contato.


Segunda: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h40min

Terça: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h40min

Quarta: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h40min

Quinta: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h40min

Sexta: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h00min


Setor A - Prédio 9 - Sala 526

E-mail: internacional@univates.br

Fone: (51) 3714 7019
