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Univates Full Experience is a program created for any foreign undergraduate student to have the opportunity to study for a semester at Univates and enjoy our entire structure during the stay, and it is not necessary to have a link with a partner institution. For this, the student hires a service, which will include:

The student will also have a buddy who will help him in adapting to his new reality, explaining the operation of the services of the city and the campus, and will remain at his disposal throughout his stay with us. We are sure that this relationship will make your experience even better.

Dúvidas? Podemos ajudar

Preencha os dados que entraremos em contato.


Segunda: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h40min

Terça: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h40min

Quarta: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h40min

Quinta: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h40min

Sexta: 7h30min às 12h e das 13h às 17h00min


Setor A - Prédio 9 - Sala 526

E-mail: internacional@univates.br

Fone: (51) 3714 7019
