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Presentation of PPGTecG

The Postgraduate Program in Sustainable Technology and Management (PPGTecG) trains multidisciplinary professionals competent in the use, development, and innovation of sustainable technologies and practices. It has one concentration area ‒ Technology and Management for Sustainability ‒ and three lines of research: Legal and Ecological Bases for Technology and Management, Sustainable Technologies for Productive Efficiency, and Sustainable Management of the Production and Consumption Chain. PPGTecG prepares professionals who can understand and propose solutions for enterprises in different sectors, including primary production, transformation industry, services, and public sectors.

PPGTecG has excellent perspectives in the scope of sustainability and in supporting public policies in the legal, environmental, technological and administrative areas, bringing direct benefits in terms of legal actions, recognition of the environmental bases that guide management and innovation processes, as well as developing technologies, practices and processes that add value to companies, individuals and society in a sustainable way. The Program seeks to combine basic and applied research with regional demands for products and processes, without excluding national and international insertion.


- To qualify professionals for the generation, dissemination and application of scientific knowledge in sustainable technology and management in different sectors of the economy, from an integrated view of social, environmental, and economic perspectives.


- To promote specialization and continued training of Higher Education graduates, making them capable of understanding and proposing sustainable technologies and practices to organizations;
- To qualify professionals to act and be inserted in the job market, through an interdisciplinary vision, with the ability to propose sustainable solutions for organizations and society;
- To encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, through the development of scientific and technological solutions, in line with the principles of sustainability;
- To train professionals in legislation, techniques, and tools to guide organizations in the adoption of sustainable technologies, processes, and practices;
- To stimulate the creation and improvement of products and processes, reconciling the preservation of natural resources and sustainable exploration, with a view to adding value and improving the quality of life.


- Graduates of the professional master's degree in Sustainable Technology and Management will be able to generate and disseminate scientific, technological, and legal knowledge aimed at the development of sustainable technologies, practices, and management processes;
- Masters in Sustainable Technology and Management will be professionals capable of providing legal, environmental, technological and administrative support for primary production, the manufacturing industry, services and public sectors. They will be competent in developing organizational strategies, technologies and processes aligned with a sustainable perspective.
- They will be professionals capable of entering the job market and seeking appropriate sustainable solutions, working in multidisciplinary teams, having an ethical-professional sense, social and environmental responsibility, aiming to improve quality of life, environmental preservation and the generation of economic value.

Concentration area and research lines

CONCENTRATION AREA: Technology and Management for Sustainability
Description: This area aims to provide legal, environmental, technological, and administrative support for primary production, the processing industry, services, and public sectors. It enables the development of organizational strategies, technologies and processes aligned with a sustainable perspective in the areas of Administration, Architecture, Biology, Accounting, Law, Economics, Engineering, and related areas.

RESEARCH LINE 1: Legal and Ecological Bases for Technology and Management
Description: Analyze, guide and qualify managers, entrepreneurs and licensors regarding legal, environmental and ecological guidelines for improving the management of public and private organizations and for the development of technologies aimed at sustainability in the environmental, cultural, social, technological, economic and health dimensions.

RESEARCH LINE 2: Sustainable Technologies for Productive Efficiency
Description: Develop and apply tools to improve quality and productivity in different systems, using cleaner production technologies, energy efficiency, materials development, nanotechnology, biological control and comfort in the built environment. In addition, the aim is to develop management, conservation, preservation, environmental restoration and bioengineering techniques, in addition to identifying and using biodiversity for use in innovative technologies.

RESEARCH LINE 3: Sustainable Management of the Production and Consumption Chain
Description: Evaluate, propose models, management practices, certification in production, marketing and distribution throughout production chains, as well as understand market, consumption, economic and organizational dynamics. This line seeks to develop performance indicators, control and evaluation of organizational processes, towards sustainable models and practices.

Other PPGTecG productions

Any doubts?
Contact us.


Dra. Liana Johann

E-mail: liana@univates.br

Stricto Sensu Postgraduate

E-mail: ppgtecg@univates.br

WhatsApp: (51) 3714-7058

Phone: (51) 3714-7000,
extension line 5191

Location: Sector A - Building 2 - Room 121


  • - Dra. Liana Johann
    (Program coordinator)
  • - Dra. Elisete Maria De Freitas
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Dr. Marlon Dalmoro
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Dra. Fernanda Cristina Wiebusch Sindelar
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Dra. Mônica Jachetti Maciel
    (1st Alternate Faculty Representative)
  • - Dra. Luciana Turatti
    (2nd Alternate Faculty Representative)
  • - Lair Schirmer
    (Student Representative)
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