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Concentration Areas and Research Areas


Name: Environmental Legal Guardianship
Description: The Environmental Legal Guardianship aims to provide legal support to entrepreneurs and managers, whether they belong to primary production, the manufacturing industry and the public sectors. In addition, it provides professionals with environmental and technical information in the areas of Administration, Botany, Law, Ecology, Engineering, Management, Chemistry, Microbiology and Zoology.


Name: Legislation applied to public and private organizations
Description: To analyze the application of Brazilian environmental legislation and environmental responsibility in public-private organizations, indicating improvements in processes. It studies auditing, certification, licensing, land tenure regularization, monitoring and evaluation of the application of public policies related to environmental protection and socioeconomic development.

Name: Ecological Bases for Environmental Management
Description: To train managers, entrepreneurs and licensors with environmental information and biosafety techniques and environmental management, conservation, preservation and restoration. The professionals will be trained to identify and use biodiversity in clean and innovative technologies.


Name: Sustainability of the Productive Chain
Description: Research in the area of ​​Sustainability of the Productive Chain involves studies on production and management processes and techniques in public and private organizations.


Name: Productive Efficiency
Description: To support quality and productivity processes using green technologies, such as: biological control, cleaner production, product and service life cycle, energy and renewable efficiency. It seeks to understand and apply tools to improve quality and productivity in different production chains. This line also seeks to develop performance indicators in the production and quality processes, involving environmental, social and economic aspects.

Name: Management for Sustainability
Description: To understand and develop, from a sustainable perspective, management processes in public-private organizations. It improves and develops economic models of production, commercialization and distribution guided by a social and environmental logic, involving dynamics such as bioeconomics, conscious consumption, circular economy and sharing.

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