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PPGEnsino Presentation

General Objective

To provide the qualification of teacher training to work in the educational system at all levels of education;

Specific objectives

- To enable the training of professionals committed to research in the field of education;
- To contribute to the teaching and learning processes with investigations and reflections on the epistemological, social and cultural foundations at different levels and educational contexts;
- To qualify professionals committed to teaching processes involving technologies, creation, innovation, and different possibilities of pedagogical thinking;
- To produce knowledge based on theoretical-methodological studies and development of research in the field of teaching.

Target Audience

The Graduate Program in Teaching, Master's level, may receive graduates from different undergraduate programs.

Graduate Profile

The graduates trained in the Master's Degree in Teaching will work in different educational contexts, with a critical and innovative view of the teaching and learning processes, considering aspects of scientific and technological literacy. Thus, the professional trained in this course must have the ability to:
- investigate the feasibility of implementing new educational and technological proposals and their impacts on the teaching and learning processes;
- problematize scientific and technological literacy in the educational context, in formal and non-formal teaching spaces;
- produce knowledge in specific areas of teacher training at different levels of education;
- understand the production of scientific knowledge and its forms of socialization.

PPGEnsino Bylaws

Resolution 054/2015 (for students admitted between 2016 and 2019)

Resolution 123/2019 (for students admitted after 2020)

Resolution 119/2020 (for students admitted after 2021)


Dr. Rogério José Schuck

E-mail: rogerios@univates.br

Council Members

  • - Dr. Rogério José Schuck
    (Coordinator of PPGEnsino)
  • - Dr. Carlos Cândido da Silva Cyrne
    (Dean of Research and Graduate Studies)
  • - Dra. Eniz Conceição Oliveira
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Dra. Angélica Vier Munhoz
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Dra. Marli Teresinha Quartieri
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Kári Lúcia Forneck
    (1st Alternate Faculty Representative)
  • - Róger Sullivan Faleiro
    (Student Representative)
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