To qualify teacher professional training in the area of Teaching of Exact Sciences.
- To train professionals with greater interdisciplinary knowledge capable of developing teaching
and research activities, integrating different knowledge and content in the area of teaching of
Exact Sciences;
- To expand the spaces for research and knowledge production in the area of teaching of
Exact Sciences.
The graduate of the Graduate Program in Teaching of Exact Sciences will be able
- implement new educational and technological proposals, investigating their impacts on the teaching and learning processes at different levels and teaching
- problematize the teaching of science in different contexts and educational
- act in Basic and Higher Education with a critical and innovative view of teaching and learning
- be autonomous and able to diagnose, propose and evaluate solutions to problems,
especially those related to the teaching practice in the teaching of
- practice interdisciplinarity and develop activities, teaching units, projects, courses,
and other forms of integration between the different subjects and contents of Science,
by approaching active teaching methodologies;
- produce knowledge and develop qualified educational products in the focus areas of
the Program's research areas;
- be committed to professional development and the challenges of current education.