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PPGAD presentation

General Objective

- To disseminate the concepts and apply the necessary techniques for a sustainable interaction with the environment;

- To apply methodologies and develop technologies that allow for the reduction of the environmental impact of human activities;

- To train professionals capable of evaluating, diagnosing and proposing solutions to environmental problems;

- To create and make a knowledge network available that can be used by different social agents.


The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Environment and Development must have a critical and investigative spirit, as well as a complex and integrated vision of the environment that allows him to identify, evaluate and propose appropriate actions in the solution of environmental problems. Within a social vision of the use of knowledge, the graduate will be a modifying and disseminating agent of actions that involve the management and use of natural resources.

PPGAD bylaws

Program coordinator

Dr. Eduardo Périco

E-mail: perico@univates.br

Council Members

  • - Dr. Eduardo Périco
    (Program coordinator)
  • - Dra. Luciana Turatti
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Dra. Neli Teresinha Galarce Machado
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Dr. Eduardo Miranda Ethur
    (Faculty Representative)
  • - Dr. André Jasper
    (1st Alternate Faculty Representative)
  • - Guilherme Weiss Niedermayer
    (Student Representative)
  • - Pauline Amanda Vognach
    (Alternate Student Representative)
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