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07 Outubro de 2019

How can a degree make a difference in my professional career?

Surveys conducted by the Globo News Portal, the G1, prove that having a degree can make a difference in your professional career. According to data released by the website, workers with higher education receive almost six times more than Brazilians who did not attend university. Building a successful trajectory today depends solely on how much you are willing to pursue constant upgrades within the training area you choose (and it is no use clamoring for the fairies that fix problems instantly, as they are only allowed to change the lives of princes and princesses, okay? It's the rules from the Enchanted World, ok!). Since we cannot (yet) solve your problems by using magic, we have decided to compile a series of tips and information that will surely help you envision a future filled with opportunities. Entering a university or technical course is the starting point for you, for example, to start forming a nice network and thereby be able to enter the job market. Forget the idea of ​​buying fairy dust and continue with us to discover alternatives that can make dreams come true.
University Eeny, meeny, miny, moe: what is the right higher education modality for you? 
What did you want to be when you grew up? Probably some career options have crossed your mind, haven't they? Shoot the first stethoscope those who never imagined wearing a white coat, treating patients and telling them that everything will be all right?
There are people who jump with joy as they pass a courtroom, believing that they have a way of defending causes and hitting the gavel (the judge's hammer) with complete conviction when it comes to making judgments. Whatever your professional ambitions, know that there are countless alternatives that make it possible for you to achieve the long-awaited diploma. Below you can check some of them.
1) Higher Education Technology Programs
Don't despair, little apprentice: As you enter a Higher Education Technology Program, you don't have to develop highly complex and sophisticated items, such as the flying brooms that Harry Potter's gang uses to wander around. In this particular context, the word technology is related to the academic degree of technologist stamping the diploma of those who complete the program.
Candidates are eligible to enroll in the higher education technology when they have completed high school or equivalent training. This degree modality aims to enable specialists to attend specific fields of the labor market. Course lengths are on average three years, which can make a difference in the lives of those who count the hours, minutes and seconds to start building a successful career.
The curricula of higher education technology programs are full of hands-on activities, and as they do so, the students get their hands dirty and get the first impressions of the future career path that awaits them. Yeah, you might have realized that it's not just the students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who have fun while studying to earn their diplomas…;)
2) Undergraduate Courses: Bachelor Degrees
Offered by public and private universities, the Bachelor Degrees last between three and six years. Throughout the undergraduate program, students receive generalist training and solid preparation to start professional careers such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, journalists, architects… You probably must be wondering how to choose from so many options, right? Pocahontas, one of Disney's princesses, advises you to listen to what your heart says (and we really agree with her!).
Some higher education institutions offer bachelor degree programs in two modalities: face-to-face or distance learning (you can choose the one that best fits your lifestyle). People who complete this type of training receive a diploma that gives them a bachelor's degree in some area of ​​knowledge.
3) Teacher training Programs 
The undergraduate programs in the teacher training area are suitable for those who, after completing their degree, imagine themselves enjoying a professional career like that of Profesor Jirafales. You may already feel that your place in the world is within a classroom, questioning the causes, motives, reasons, and circumstances of learning.
These undergraduate programs follow the same logic as the bachelor's degree: they offer in-depth notions about specific branches of knowledge and have an average duration of between four to five years. The only difference is that under this type of undergraduate programs students receive training aimed at teaching, so that they can later teach to classes of kindergarten, elementary and high school students. Those who complete this training get a degree that gives them a diploma and a career that can make a difference in the lives of everyone who is transformed by education.
And in the not so distant future…
Sometimes thinking about the things the future holds for us seems difficult, right? Not even The Simpsons (who, by the way, are accustomed to making some bombshell predictions) can glimpse the world in ten or fifteen years without feeling butterflies in the stomach for uncertainty.
If you go to college and get a degree, imagining what's to come from then becomes an exciting, pleasurable, and a little more accurate, activity. We've made a short list of some of the many benefits that can make a difference in the personal life and career of a graduate. Check out:
1) workers with complete higher education receive almost six times more than people who did not attend college;
2) The possibility of building a good and solid network of professional contacts increases, since at the university you will be introduced to professors and colleagues who can help you get various jobs within your area of ​​training;
3) the knowledge acquired at the university goes beyond the academic and professional spheres, you know? During college, you learn how to handle deadlines, manage new responsibilities, and get along with people who have different points of view on things. This is a great opportunity to develop skills that are essential in personal life as well;
4) When you complete college, you can specialize in graduate school to become even more expert in the career you have chosen.
Have you seen just how a degree can make a difference in life and, especially, in the career of those who get it? There are so many opportunities and advantages that a college offers that we want to sing and advise you like this:
Hakuna Matata! It is necessary to speak!
Hakuna Matata! Yes, we came to help!
A university everyone should attend
For your problems can alleviate
We are sure you will love it!
Hakuna Matata!
Study here
Do you already know the benefits of studying at our University? According to data from the assessment conducted by the Ministry of Education (MEC), Univates is among the top ten private institutions in Rio Grande do Sul. That's right! Here students learn from a highly qualified faculty and can rely on state-of-the-art infrastructure to intersect moments of study and relaxation.
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