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05 Junho de 2018

Medical students receive international award

The students Andressa Paz and Paola Veiga from Univates Medical School were awarded a prize at the 15th World Conference on Rural Health held from April 26 to 29 in New Delhi, India.
With the short film "Why is Rural Health different from Urban?" they received the award for best animation. The audiovisual material has the dubbing of Paola and the production of Andressa, in partnership with Ana Júlia de Araújo, Mayara Floss, Karine Puls and Magda Almeida.
With the Rural Seeds team, the students also ranked second in India Healthcare Ideathon 2018 with the presentation of the Rural Seeds network.
At the conference, the students, in partnership with other participants of the event and with the Brazilian delegation, also gave workshops, participated in panels and presented posters and oral works. 
Paola and Andressa are medical students from Univates and have been part of the Brazilian delegation.
Learn more about Rural Seeds
Rural Seeds is an international network that aims to promote rural health on three main fronts: education and training, empowerment, and communication. Formed mainly by students and young doctors, Rural Seeds defends the importance of training future health professionals in rural practice through mentoring and disseminating knowledge about the cause. In addition, it aims to improve the health of rural populations by seeking to understand what their greatest needs are in different countries and regions of the world.
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