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05 Dezembro de 2017

Univates Offers Academic Exchange for Technical Courses

In addition to training students with theoretical and practical knowledge of the chosen field of work, Univates Technical Courses give students the opportunity to conduct an academic exchange. The experience enables students to enter the job market with even more experience and qualification. Four students are in exchange program this semester, in Chile and in Portugal. Among the academics are Rafael Gauer and Ariela Vitória, students of the Technical Course in Visual Communication who are at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria), in Portugal.

Since September the students have had classes at the School of Arts and Design of IPLeiria, located in Caldas da Rainha.

“This opportunity will help very much professionally, because few professionals with this level of training went on exchange programs, putting us with a differential in the job market, in addition to learning new techniques in our area of ​​operation”. Rafael Gauer, student of the Technical Course in Visual Communication.

Ariela adds that personal growth begins in the preparations because it was her first international trip. About the school, the student says that, because it is an arts-oriented school, there is inspiration from all sides. "I'm already looking forward to returning to Brazil and putting into practice everything I'm learning", she says.

The course in which the students are enrolled in Portugal is of the same level as the technician in Brazil, so both affirm that they are not having difficulties. About the experience, Rafael highlights cultural and intellectual enrichment. "I can say that it is being the best and most challenging experience of my life," says Rafael, affirming that the exchange allows the expansion of horizons and living in another country breaks prejudices and stereotypes that used to exist. "The coexistence with people of other nationalities shows us that, despite the different cultures, we live in a very similar way. The experience also makes us appreciate more the culture of our country, because we have a different vision from the one we are accustomed to", he says.


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