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05 Dezembro de 2017

Representative from Concordia University of Edmonton visits Univates

On November 23rd, the Academic Pro-Rector of Concordia University of Edmonton (Canada) Valerie Heinitiuk visited Univates. At the moment, the professor learned about the Institution's infrastructure and talked about joint proposals for action, aiming at closer ties of cooperation.

In her second visit to Brazil, first in the south of the country, Valerie says she is very happy. The professor says that next year, a group of students will come to Rio Grande do Sul to know three educational institutions, among them Univates. "In addition, we are going to build a mini technology park in Canada. I came to know yours and later, members of our park will also come to Univates to exchange experiences," she says.

Internationalization in the classroom

In that evening, the professor gave the lecture "An exchange of words and women? Mitiarjuk and Sanaaq". In the activity the professor talked about the book "Sanaaq", by the writer Mitiarjuk. According to Valerie, the book was the first written in Inuktitut, a language spoken by the natives in Canada. The work consists of 48 stories written by Mitiarjuk, who learned the Inuktitut in exchange for teaching French and English to a native. "She found it so boring to just write words in another language that she decided to write stories. Together, the stories form the book", she explains.

Valerie researches translation and, through the work, she also discussed the issue of gender in translation. According to the scholar, the original version of the book was launched in 1984. In 2002 the Inuktitut version was translated into French and, in 2014, the French version was transcribed into English. "There was an indirect translation of the book, as if it were the ‘wireless phone' game. That's what I'm going to talk about: the changes and problems of translation" she says, noting that the original work was written by a woman who spoke about the lives of other women while the other two versions were written by men.

The lecture was free, and began at 7:10pm. It was aimed at students of the Language Program, but open to the public.

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