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23 Junho de 2016

Univates and French university to establish a partnership

Representatives from Savoie Mont Blanc University (France) came to Univates on Friday, the 17th, to look at the feasibility of establishing a partnership for an exchange programme between the two universities. Currently, Univates has partnerships with 36 institutions, and language and the importance of French education in Brazil make France a highly interesting country to establish a partnership with.


At the meeting, both institutions presented their projects. Maxime Bernier, Paul Jone and Serguei Bezoumov said that allowing French students to come and study Portuguese in Brazil should be a great way to approach the two universities. “We truly believe this partnership would have a beneficial effect on both institutions, not only due to the internationalisation process, but also because this would be an opportunity for students to have the experience of living in Brazil.


Like Univates, Savoie Mont Blanc University has a technology park that focuses on renewable energies and on the environment. The representatives said they were pleased with the structure on campus, especially with the Cultural Centre, where they showed particular interest in arranging a concert with music students from France.


Besides the representatives from Savoie Mont Blanc University, members of the Chancellor’s office, of four departments and of the International Relations Office participated in the meeting. In the afternoon, the foreign representatives were taken on a tour around campus.

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