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16 Junho de 2016

Univates Cultural Centre is one of the most important buildings in Brazil

Univates Cultural Centre has recently been made one of Brazil’s 100 most important buildings after a selection by ArchDaily, one of South America’s most important and well known electronic architecture magazines, which also selected houses and building of all architectural styles.
ArchDaily project editor Igor Fracalossi says the chosen projects will be used as case study by millions of architects, students and journalists seeking the most relevant in Brazilian architecture. “This section will have higher visibility on our page. We hope this will considerably increase the global impact and further opportunities resulting from any project.” – says he.
Project author Camila Mirapalhete (Tartan Arquitetura) says this project was filled with symbolism and represented a brand new Univates. Camila says she was requested to design something stunning, but welcoming, monumental, but not shocking to visitors’ eyes. Something that was massive and modern, but looked familiar to all the people in the region.
Chancellor Ney José Lazzari, says Univates Cultural Centre has brought many cultural events to the region. “We have been working on this project for more than ten years. It has been modified over the years as we have always wanted to build something to be stunning.” – says he.
Camila says “It is definitely a great feeling to walk around the cultural centre at weekends and see all those people there. I feel really fulfilled as an architect.”.
Some of the criteria established by ArchDaily are the number of views on the e-zine website, users’ interaction and the average time users spend viewing each project.
The original publications have been updated and are now part of the exclusive new section in the magazine. The new materials allow readers to get the best out of each project. “This is an indication that the chosen projects are not only the most important, but also have the most relevant content” – says Fracalossi.
Find out more
Launched two years ago, Univates Cultural Centre is about 10,000 m² and offers visitors a theatre with 1,200 seats, in addition to special rooms, a recreation area and a library with more than 300,000 books. The purpose was to combine two different architectural styles to represent the passage of time and the community, the basis of our institution, bringing the idea of an open book to the sky.

Author: Artur Dullius

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