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11 Dezembro de 2015

Harvard researcher participates in the 1ª Semana Acadêmica da Medicina do V

Activities will begin at 10 o’clock with the panel presentation “As mudanças demográficas do Brasil, as taxas crescentes de doenças crônicas, e os custos crescentes da assistência médica”, by North American doctor Robert S. Jannet, who will also present the lecture "Perspectivas internacionais sobre a gestão de doenças crônicas", at 1:30 in Bulding 7. Janett is a professor at Harvard Medical School, the oldest higher education institution in the United Stated. At the end of the day, there will be sports activities at UNIVATES Stadium.

On Tuesday, 20, at 9 o’clock, Janett will participate in a debate with students and professors. From 10 to 12, professors Adriane Pozzobon, Cássia Regina Gotler Medeiros and Ioná Carreno and International Relations Manager Viviane Bischoff will join a round table on “Research and Exchange: possibilities for medicine.”. In the afternoon, Janett, medical students and employees of the National Public Health System (SUS) will join an interaction seminar to discuss the work in clinics with multidisciplinary teams and patient-centred healthcare.

On Wednesday morning, 21, Janett will talk with medical students about geriatric care management at Cambridge Health Alliance and about social anthropology in medicine focused on the communication with patients. In the afternoon, there will be workshops.

People will also have the opportunity to attend a workshop on medical education and medicine courses in Brazil from Professor Magali Grave, PhD, and João Batista Pozzato Rodrigues on Thursday afternoon, 22. On Friday, 23, there will be a lecture on the main healthcare e-books database. Medical students will also present posters.

The First Univates Academic Week on Medicine in Vale do Taquari also aims to promote technical knowledge and experience exchange in addition to raising students’ awareness of the National Public Health System (SUS). Enrol on www.univates.br/inscricoes/eventos/. Phone (51) 37147000, extension 5589.


Did you know?

Robert S. Janett is an associate professor at Havard Medical School at Cambridge Hospital. He also has an employment relationship at Alpert Medical School and other institutions in the US in Family Medicine . He will attend The First Univates Academic Week on Medicine in Vale do Taquari and talk to medical students and professors.

Author: Nicole Morás.

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