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23 Setembro de 2015

Univates welcomes exchange students on International day

Univates was chosen by 19 overseas students for the second semester of 2015. Coming from Argentina, Colombia and Portugal, the students were warmly welcomed last Friday, 29, at the International Day. 

In the morning, they met the staff of the Department of International Relations (AAII) at the Foreign Trade theme room and got instructions on academic procedures. In the afternoon, they took a tour around the campus and in the centre of Lajeado. 

Exchange student from Portugal Hugo Miguel Pires Rodrigues is IADE – Creative University’s first student who have benefited from the partnership with Univates. “I carefully analysed the opportunities offered by my university and I eventually chose Univates. I was really impressed at the Library and liked it as a whole. Moreover, all around the campus is nice. Lajeado is a calm city and I always choose places like this whenever possible.”.

In addition to the 14 newcomers, one more exchange student from Argentina should join the group together with the four students who started at Univates in the first half of 2015 and decided to extend their exchange programme in one semester. Meanwhile, 22 outgoing students from Univates are preparing to study abroad.

Author: Nicole Morás

July 29th, 2015.

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