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23 Setembro de 2015

Financial Management offers Joint Honours

Financial Management offers students at Unviates the possibility to study an additional semester at Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, in Portugalto get a Bachelor’s degree of Management from IPLeiria.  

In order to be eligible to get Joint Honours (Financial Management Technologist and Bachelor of Financial Management) students must have graduated in Financial Management (the course lasts three years), got a certificate of proficiency in English, taken four additional disciplines at Univates and studied one semester in Portugal. 

For course coordinator, Gabriel Machado Braido, this is quite a valuable experience. “Not only do our students have the opportunity to take a semester in a European country and be in touch with a different culture, but they also return to Brazil with a degree from a European university.” – says he.

Braido highlights that because the curricular grid of these courses encompasses subjects in Management, Accounting and Finance, and Small and Medium-Sized Management, students may have their credits reapplied and also get joint honours. “This opportunity is offered by Univates in association with Leiria and will surely open doors in the job market in the future.” – he says.

For more information on reapplied credits or on our exchange programme, please, e-mail gestao-financeira@univates.br

By: Elise Bozzetto

July 31st, 2015.

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