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Psycho-Educational Assistance


Psycho-educational service aims to support students with learning disabilities. It is offered by a professional from the Department of Pedagogy Support. The service is available on request and it is offered to teachers, course coordinators and students.

In addition to helping students with learning disabilities, the service also expects to integrate them into the learning processes in the university. Teachers who teach students with a specific learning disability receive educational support to help them. The service is free and available on request at the Department of Pedagogy Support or on Univates website.


A wide range of academic and personal supports are available to all registered students at Univates who have learning disabilities, including workshops, peer tutoring, mini-courses, psycho-educational assistance, personal counselling, learning skills instruction, and others.


Students should inform Univates of their disabilities upon registering for the selection process (Vestibular) to have the necessary support from the Department of Pedagogy Assistance on the test day. Should the student be admitted, he/she should once more inform Univates of his/her disabilities when enrolling. Student’s information will be kept on a personal data base managed by system Alfa.

Students with disabilities may benefit from a wide range of personal supports when necessary, such as:

- hearing impaired students - Univates offers hearing impaired students, when necessary, a sign language interpreter in class, if the student uses LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language) and video subtitling, in addition to printed material on the subjects taught in class can usually be found in the library or on ambiente virtual.

- visually impaired students – material and handouts in alternative formats (for example Braille or audio). All the material on Univates website is available in audio formats and may be read by using voice free synthesizer DOSVOX. Low vision students may require large-print materials.

- students with intellectual disabilities – educational support and teaching strategies to teach students with intellectual disabilities.