Estudo da inversão da sacarose para redução de açúcar em refrigerante
Herber, Jane
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Uma das principais matérias primas para a produção de refrigerantes é o açúcar cristal. O nível de exigência por alimentos mais saudáveis com teor reduzido de açúcar está cada vez maior, tanto por parte de órgãos regulamentadores quanto do consumidor. No processo de fabricação de bebidas açucaradas, a sacarose em
solução sob a presença de agentes inversores sofre inversão. Esta reação química consiste na quebra deste dissacarídeo, formando a glicose e a frutose, que juntos aferem maior dulçor aos alimentos. A inversão pode demandar muito tempo com pouca presença de agentes inversores, então, em um processo contínuo, o produto pode continuar sofrendo esta reação na prateleira e apresentar sensorialmente sabor mais doce do que no momento da preparação. Este comportamento evidencia o uso de uma quantidade maior de açúcar do que o necessário para um mesmo resultado desejado. Desta forma o objetivo deste estudo foi propor a redução de açúcar na composição de refrigerantes de uma empresa de bebidas do Vale do Taquari, utilizando como argumento, a ocorrência da reação de inversão de sacarose e suas alterações no produto. Para tanto, foram efetuados controles de Brix em amostras de refrigerante sabor guaraná, com teor reduzido de açúcar, avaliando a inversão através da evolução desse parâmetro no produto em prateleira e comparando este valor com projeção realizada em um equipamento analisador de bebidas empacotadas. Também foram realizadas análises sensoriais pelos métodos de Preferência-Pareada e Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ), em produtos frescos tradicionais e armazenados com teor reduzido de açúcar, para comparar as duas formulações. Através das análises instrumentais, foi constatado que o refrigerante sabor guaraná possui potencial para inverter até 4,92% do seu total de açúcar, porém em um tempo superior ao prazo de validade do produto, visto que na prática se observou aumento de 3,71% do Brix em um período de 270 dias. Nas análises sensoriais, utilizando uma significância de 95%, não houve diferença estatística entre amostras padrão na forma fresca ou com teor reduzido de açúcar em 5% armazenada por 14 dias. Desta maneira foi possível concluir que a ocorrência natural da inversão da sacarose em refrigerantes sabor guaraná não é um argumento viável para redução de açúcar em sua composição, porém análises sensoriais demonstram que mesmo sem a total inversão, é possível diminuir esta quantidade de açúcar do produto sem prejuízos sensoriais.
One of the main raw materials for the production of soft drinks is crystal sugar. The level of demand for healthier foods with reduced sugar content is increasing, both by regulators and consumers. In the process of making sugary drinks, sucrose in solution under the presence of inverting agents undergoes inversion. This chemical reaction consists of the breaking of this disaccharide, forming glucose and fructose, which together add greater sweetness to food. The inversion can be very time consuming with little presence of inversion agents, so, in a continuous process, the product can continue to suffer this reaction on the shelf and present a sweeter taste sensorially than at the time of preparation. This behavior shows the use of a greater amount of sugar than is necessary for the same desired result. Thus, the objective of this study was to propose the reduction of sugar in the composition of soft drinks from a company in the Vale do Taquari, using as an argument, the occurrence of the sucrose inversion reaction and its changes in the product. For this purpose, Brix controls were performed on guarana flavored soda samples, with reduced sugar content, evaluating the inversion through the evolution of this parameter in the product on the shelf and comparing this value with projection performed on a packaged beverage analyzer equipment. Sensory analyzes were also performed by the Preference-Paired and Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) methods, on traditional fresh products and stored with reduced sugar content, to compare the two formulations. Through instrumental analyzes, it was found that the guarana flavored soda has the potential to invert up to 4.92% of its total sugar, but in a period longer than the product's shelf life, since in practice an increase of 3.71 was observed % of Brix in a period of 270 days. In the sensory analyzes, using a 95% significance level, there was no statistical difference between standard samples in the fresh form or with a reduced sugar content of 5% stored for 14 days. In this way, it was possible to conclude that the natural occurrence of sucrose inversion in guarana flavored soft drinks is not a viable argument for reducing sugar in its composition, but sensory analyzes demonstrate that even without the total inversion, it is possible to decrease this amount of sugar in the product. without sensory damage.
One of the main raw materials for the production of soft drinks is crystal sugar. The level of demand for healthier foods with reduced sugar content is increasing, both by regulators and consumers. In the process of making sugary drinks, sucrose in solution under the presence of inverting agents undergoes inversion. This chemical reaction consists of the breaking of this disaccharide, forming glucose and fructose, which together add greater sweetness to food. The inversion can be very time consuming with little presence of inversion agents, so, in a continuous process, the product can continue to suffer this reaction on the shelf and present a sweeter taste sensorially than at the time of preparation. This behavior shows the use of a greater amount of sugar than is necessary for the same desired result. Thus, the objective of this study was to propose the reduction of sugar in the composition of soft drinks from a company in the Vale do Taquari, using as an argument, the occurrence of the sucrose inversion reaction and its changes in the product. For this purpose, Brix controls were performed on guarana flavored soda samples, with reduced sugar content, evaluating the inversion through the evolution of this parameter in the product on the shelf and comparing this value with projection performed on a packaged beverage analyzer equipment. Sensory analyzes were also performed by the Preference-Paired and Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) methods, on traditional fresh products and stored with reduced sugar content, to compare the two formulations. Through instrumental analyzes, it was found that the guarana flavored soda has the potential to invert up to 4.92% of its total sugar, but in a period longer than the product's shelf life, since in practice an increase of 3.71 was observed % of Brix in a period of 270 days. In the sensory analyzes, using a 95% significance level, there was no statistical difference between standard samples in the fresh form or with a reduced sugar content of 5% stored for 14 days. In this way, it was possible to conclude that the natural occurrence of sucrose inversion in guarana flavored soft drinks is not a viable argument for reducing sugar in its composition, but sensory analyzes demonstrate that even without the total inversion, it is possible to decrease this amount of sugar in the product. without sensory damage.
Brix; Bebida açucarada; Açúcar invertido; Análise sensorial; Sugary drink; Inverted sugar; Sensory analysis
OLIVEIRA, Luiz Ricardo Mallmann. Estudo da inversão da sacarose para redução de açúcar em refrigerante. 2020. Monografia (Graduação em Química Industrial) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 13 jul. 2020. Disponível em: