Saidan- associação assistencial
Sá, Jauri dos Santos
Weizenmann, Jamile Maria da Silva
Alves, Augusto
Santos, Alessandra Gobbi
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Este artigo trata, acima de tudo, sobre a importância e influência de um espaço, seja ele físico ou não, na vida daqueles que o ocupam. O estudo desenvolvido neste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso busca, primeiramente, conhecer e compreender a realidade de crianças e adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade e de jovens de comunidades carentes para, por fim, aplicar princípios da Arquitetura, do Urbanismo e do paisagismo, como instrumento de transformação da vida e da realidade dessas pessoas. A função primordial da Arquitetura é prover abrigo. Este trabalho trata, sim, da Arquitetura por sua função técnica, mas busca, principalmente, aprofundar-se sobre uma óptica acolhedora, com um olhar sensível àqueles que virão a utilizar este espaço. Esta pesquisa irá propor novos equipamentos, usos e atividades para a SAIDAN - Associação de Assistência à Infância e à Adolescência, que hoje acolhe crianças e adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade. Com a requalificação dessa área, a Associação passa a ser abrigo e acolhimento, não apenas daqueles que têm a Saidan como seu lar atualmente, mas de toda uma comunidade que carece, historicamente, de direitos básicos da sociedade.
This article is about, more than anything, the importance and influence of space, being it physical or not, in the lives of those who occupy it. The study developed in this Final Paper looks to, first off, get to know and understand the reality of children and adolescents in vulnerable situations and young people from needy communities to then apply the principles of Architecture, Urbanism and landscaping, as instruments for the transformation of the lives and the reality of these people. The main function of Architecture is to provide shelter. This study does approach Architecture for its technical function, but it aims to primarily delve deeper into a welcoming perspective, with a sensitive look at those who will use this space. This study will propose new equipment, uses and activities for SAIDAN - Association for Assistance to Children and Adolescents, which welcomes children and adolescents in vulnerable situations. With the requalification of this space, the Association becomes a place of shelter and welcoming, not only for those who currently have Saidan as their home, but also for an entire community that historically lacks basic societal rights.
This article is about, more than anything, the importance and influence of space, being it physical or not, in the lives of those who occupy it. The study developed in this Final Paper looks to, first off, get to know and understand the reality of children and adolescents in vulnerable situations and young people from needy communities to then apply the principles of Architecture, Urbanism and landscaping, as instruments for the transformation of the lives and the reality of these people. The main function of Architecture is to provide shelter. This study does approach Architecture for its technical function, but it aims to primarily delve deeper into a welcoming perspective, with a sensitive look at those who will use this space. This study will propose new equipment, uses and activities for SAIDAN - Association for Assistance to Children and Adolescents, which welcomes children and adolescents in vulnerable situations. With the requalification of this space, the Association becomes a place of shelter and welcoming, not only for those who currently have Saidan as their home, but also for an entire community that historically lacks basic societal rights.
Infância; Adolescência; Vulnerabilidade; Acolhimento; Infancy; Adolescence; Vulnerability; Shelter
REICHERT, Leandro. Saidan- associação assistencial. 2024. Monografia (Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 10 dez. 2024. Disponível em: