Ensino da retextualização por meio do uso da plataforma digital Storyboard That
Forneck, Kári Lúcia
Schuck, Rogério José
Schwertner, Suzana Feldens
Fernandes, Alessandra Coutinho
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Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar que contribuições a retextualização do gênero textual notícia para o gênero textual história em quadrinho (HQ), mediada pela plataforma digital Storyboard That, pode oportunizar para a ampliação do universo de leitura e de escrita de estudantes jovens e adultos em uma turma de PROEJA. A aplicação das oficinas ocorreu no primeiro semestre de 2021, com cinco encontros que aconteceram de forma remota, devido à pandemia provocada pelo vírus Sars- Cov-2. Conceitualmente, esta pesquisa esteve fundamentada na concepção de gênero textual, proposta por Marcuschi (2003, 2008, 2012) e Bazerman (2016), e de retextualização, proposta por Dell`Isola (2007) e Marcuschi (2007), bem como nos pressupostos de ensino da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). De natureza qualitativa e caracterizada como uma pesquisa-ação, esta investigação foi desenvolvida em uma turma do PROEJA, nível médio em uma escola pública da Rede Federal de Ensino de Rondônia (RO), em que foi concretizada uma Sequência Didática (SD), na perspectiva desenvolvida por Schenewly e Dolz (2004), na qual foram exploradas diferentes possibilidades de interação textual e de uso de uma ferramenta digital para promover o ensino e a aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa. Além disso, os textos produzidos pelos alunos foram avaliados por critérios desenvolvidos por Moura (2016). Ao final do percurso, foi possível constatar que o ensino de gêneros textuais pelo processo de retextualização desenvolve a escrita e a capacidade leitora dos alunos, uma vez que as HQ produzidas demostraram a compreensão dos conteúdos desenvolvidos durante aplicação da pesquisa. Com relação à plataforma Storyboard That constatou-se que a importância das Tecnologias Digitais no ensino de Língua Portuguesa, os alunos aprenderam o processo de retextualizar um gênero em outro, é preservar as informações do texto base no processo de produção da escrita.
This study aimed to verify what contributions the retextualization of the textual genre news to the textual genre comic book (HQ), mediated by the digital platform Storyboard That, can provide opportunities for the expansion of the universe of reading and writing of young and adult students in a PROEJA class. The application of the workshops took place in the first half of 2021, with five meetings that took place remotely, due to the pandemic caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus. Conceptually, this research was based on the concept of textual genre, proposed by Marcuschi (2003, 2008, 2012) and Bazerman (2016), and of retextualization, proposed by Dell`Isola (2007) and Marcuschi (2007), as well as on the assumptions of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). Qualitative in nature and characterized as action research, this investigation was developed in a PROEJA class, at high school level in a public school of the Federal Education Network of Rondônia (RO), in which a Didactic Sequence (SD) was carried out, in the perspective developed by Schenewly and Dolz (2004), in which different possibilities of textual interaction and the use of a digital tool to promote the teaching and learning of Portuguese were explored. In addition, the texts produced by the students were evaluated by criteria developed by Moura (2016). At the end of the course, it was possible to verify that the teaching of textual genres through the retextualization process develops the students' writing and reading capacity, since the comics produced demonstrated the understanding of the contents developed during the application of the research. Regarding the Storyboard That platform, it was found that the importance of Digital Technologies in the teaching of Portuguese Language, students learned the process of retextualizing one genre in another, is to preserve the information of the base text in the process of writing production.
This study aimed to verify what contributions the retextualization of the textual genre news to the textual genre comic book (HQ), mediated by the digital platform Storyboard That, can provide opportunities for the expansion of the universe of reading and writing of young and adult students in a PROEJA class. The application of the workshops took place in the first half of 2021, with five meetings that took place remotely, due to the pandemic caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus. Conceptually, this research was based on the concept of textual genre, proposed by Marcuschi (2003, 2008, 2012) and Bazerman (2016), and of retextualization, proposed by Dell`Isola (2007) and Marcuschi (2007), as well as on the assumptions of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). Qualitative in nature and characterized as action research, this investigation was developed in a PROEJA class, at high school level in a public school of the Federal Education Network of Rondônia (RO), in which a Didactic Sequence (SD) was carried out, in the perspective developed by Schenewly and Dolz (2004), in which different possibilities of textual interaction and the use of a digital tool to promote the teaching and learning of Portuguese were explored. In addition, the texts produced by the students were evaluated by criteria developed by Moura (2016). At the end of the course, it was possible to verify that the teaching of textual genres through the retextualization process develops the students' writing and reading capacity, since the comics produced demonstrated the understanding of the contents developed during the application of the research. Regarding the Storyboard That platform, it was found that the importance of Digital Technologies in the teaching of Portuguese Language, students learned the process of retextualizing one genre in another, is to preserve the information of the base text in the process of writing production.
Ensino da retextualização; Gênero textual; EJA; Storyboard That; Teaching of retextualization; Textual Genre
SANTOS, Hendy Barbosa. Ensino da retextualização por meio do uso da plataforma digital Storyboard That. 2021. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Ensino, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 16 dez. 2021. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/3283.